Here's Why a Tomato Is Actually Both a Fruit And Vegetable ?

No food straddles the line between fruit and vegetable more famously than the tomato.
And while your elementary-school teacher or know-it-all friend may have informed you that tomatoes are technically fruits, the answer isn't so clear-cut. In reality, tomatoes are both fruits and vegetables at the same time.
The explanation lies in the two different ways that "fruit" is defined. First, it is true that scientifically speaking, tomatoes are fruits. According to Merriam-Webster, a fruit is "the usually edible reproductive body of a seed plant."
Vegetables, on the other hand,have a slightly murkier definition.It's a word we use to group together a wide range of plants whose parts are edible and herbaceous, like roots, stems, and leaves.
The critical distinction is that, according to the dictionary, avegetable must be part of aplant or the whole plant itself,while fruits are just the means by which certain plants spread their seeds.
But the confusion arises because "vegetable" isn't a botanical classification so much as it is a culinary one. And "fruit" can be a culinary term, too – described as"having a sweet pulp associated with the seed" and "used chiefly in a dessert or sweet course," according to Merriam-Webster.

1. Both…and 两个都;既...又...
2. straddle跨骑,横跨
3. elementary-school 小学 ,小学也可以是“grade school”,“grammar school”(it’s the first five to eight years of a child’s education, depending on the school ) elementary school之后就是high school (normally grade 9 through 12),当然有时候两者之间还会有个junior high school
4. know-it-all 这个意思很好猜,有“无所不知”“万事通”的意思,也可以是名词,即“假装博学多闻的人”(know all)
5. clear-cut 逐词解释就是清楚地切,清楚地切后留下的是什么,当然就是“清晰的轮廓”,也有“明确的,清晰的”意思。更有意思的是,这个词组还是一道菜,即小葱拌豆腐,也有引申意思“一清二白”
6. Merriam-Webster韦氏词典
7. reproductive body
8. re- 再次+ produce 生产=再生产,复制,繁衍,生殖 reproduce的形容词形式reproductive意思有“生殖的;再生的;复制的”,reproductive body即“生殖体”,在文章中 水果的生殖体一般就在果实或者花的部位,所以可以翻译为“果实”
9. murkier adj. 阴暗的( murky的比较级 ); 昏暗的; (指水)脏的; 混浊的
10. herbaceous adj.草本的
11. means(mean的复数)n. 手段;方法;财产
12. botanical adj.植物学的,植物的
13. classification n. 分类;类别,等级 classify vt.分类;分等 的名词形式
classify into 将…归为 classify as 把…分类为…eg:You are classified as a hostile entity.你已经被认定为敌人了。
Eg:books are usually classified by subjects. be classified by… 通过…分类
14. culinary adj.厨房的, 烹饪的
15. chiefly chief的副词形式,直接加ly

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