CNNTop5 20241022 老年人 人质谈判 飓风援助 秋季过敏 华夫饼召回
弗雷德英语笔记 跨学科深度学习
5 things to know for Oct. 22: Vulnerable seniors exploited, Hostage talks, Hurricane aid, Fall allergies, Waffle recall
10 月 22 日你需要知道的五件事:易受伤害的老年人被剥削、人质谈判、飓风援助、秋季过敏、华夫饼召回
By Alexandra Banner, CNN
5 minute read
Published 6:21 AM EDT, Tue October 22, 2024

Richard Benjamin, right, and his son Jason look at bank statements showing more than 100 political donations that Benjamin made in a single day.
Gabe Ramirez
理查德・本杰明(右)和他的儿子杰森看着银行对账单,上面显示本杰明在一天内进行了 100 多笔政治捐款。
CNN — It’s officially the home stretch of the 2024 presidential race, with exactly two weeks until Election Day on November 5. View CNN’s voter handbook to find out what the rules are — where you are.
1.N-SING The homestretch is the last part of a race. (比赛)最后一段跑道
• Easy Goer overtook Clever Trevor in the homestretch.
2.N-SING You can refer to the last part of any activity that lasts for a long time as the homestretch, especially if the activity is difficult or boring. (持续很久的活动)最后阶段
• The Oscars race will enter the homestretch after this weekend.
美国有线电视新闻网 —— 2024 年总统竞选正式进入最后冲刺阶段,距离 11 月 5 日的选举日正好还有两周。查看美国有线电视新闻网的选民手册,了解你所在地区的规则。
Here’s what else you need to know to Get Up to Speed and On with Your Day.
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你的一天很忙碌。“五件事” 是你获取最新头条新闻以及人们正在点击的其他故事和视频的一站式商店。在此处注册 “五件事” 时事通讯。
1. Vulnerable seniors exploited
Deceptive tactics have misled hundreds of elderly Americans — many battling dementia or other cognitive impairments — into giving away millions of dollars to political fundraising campaigns, a CNN investigation has revealed. The desperate pleas for donations frequently come as text messages and emails delivered at an unrelenting pace, directing these vulnerable individuals to pages that often sign them up for monthly — or even weekly — donations. Money is then drained from their bank accounts without them realizing it. Contributions from a small sampling of 50 unwitting elderly donors alone added up to more than $6 million over the last five years — the majority of which ended up with former President Donald Trump and a long list of other Republican candidates, CNN found.
deceptive/dɪˈsɛptɪv/|CET6+ TEM4
1.ADJ If something is deceptive, it encourages you to believe something which is not true. 骗人的
• Johnston isn't tired of Las Vegas yet, it seems, but appearances can be deceptive.
2.ADV 骗人地
• The storyline is deceptively simple.
N-VAR Dementia is a serious illness of the mind. 痴呆
• ...a treatment for mental conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
1.ADJ If you describe a person or their actions as unwitting, you mean that the person does something or is involved in something without realizing it. 无意的
• We were unwitting collaborators in his plan.
2.ADV 无意地
• He was unwittingly caught up in the confrontation.
美国有线电视新闻网的一项调查显示,欺骗性策略误导了数百名美国老年人 —— 其中许多人患有痴呆症或其他认知障碍 —— 让他们向政治筹款活动捐赠了数百万美元。这些急切的捐款请求经常以短信和电子邮件的形式不断发送,引导这些易受伤害的人访问页面,这些页面通常会让他们注册每月甚至每周的捐款。然后,他们的银行账户中的钱在他们没有意识到的情况下被取走。美国有线电视新闻网发现,仅对 50 名不知情的老年捐赠者进行的小规模抽样中,在过去五年里,他们的捐款总额就超过了 600 万美元 —— 其中大部分最终流向了前总统唐纳德・特朗普和一长串其他共和党候选人。
2. Hostage talks
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is on a high-stakes trip to Israel and the Middle East as the US seeks to move forward with long-stalled negotiations to bring back the Israeli hostages and end the war in Gaza. In the wake of the killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, there appears to be little clarity on who will take over the militant group, making it difficult to ascertain the probability of striking a new deal. Hamas has shown no inclination to change its stance on hostage and ceasefire negotiations. Blinken is expected to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today amid tempered expectations he will return to Washington having made any significant progress on the hostage talks. Instead, US officials believe that the most pivotal place for him to make progress is on the grave humanitarian situation in Gaza.
ascertain/ˌæsəˈteɪn/|CET6 TEM8
ascertaining ascertained ascertains
V-T If you ascertain the truth about something, you find out what it is, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so. (尤指经过努力) 查明
• Through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the child understands what he is reading.
• Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him.
as-同ad-. certain, 确定。
词根词缀: as-加强意义 + -cert-确信 + -ain形容词词尾(转化为动词)
stance/stæns/|CET6+ TEM8
1.N-COUNT Your stance on a particular matter is your attitude to it. (对某事的) 态度; 立场
• Congress had agreed to reconsider its stance on the armed struggle.
2.N-COUNT Your stance is the way that you are standing. 站姿
• Take a comfortably wide stance and flex your knees a little.
词根词缀: -st-站立,放置 + -ance名词词尾
来自拉丁语 stare,站立,词源同 stand.-ance,名词后缀。引申诸相关词义。
3. Hurricane aid
Former President Donald Trump repeated debunked claims about the federal response to Hurricane Helene during his visit to North Carolina on Monday. Speaking to reporters in a hard-hit community near Asheville, Trump made the false assertion that FEMA took money that was supposed to go to disaster relief and instead spent it on migrants who entered the country illegally, leaving the agency with no funds to help Americans. Trump claimed that FEMA’s money is “all gone” — which is false. As of last Tuesday, its Disaster Relief Fund had about $8.5 billion remaining, FEMA told CNN. The agency has made clear that it has enough money for the immediate needs of people affected by Hurricane Helene — though the large number of disasters around the country this year means the agency might have to ask Congress for additional disaster relief funding sooner than expected.
debunking debunked debunks
V-T If you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false. If you debunk something that is widely admired, you show that it is not as good as people think it is. 曝光; 揭露...的真相
• Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.
de-, 不,非,使相反。bunk, 谎言。
bunk: short for bunkum bunkum/ˈbʌŋkəm/
N-UNCOUNT If you say that something that has been said or written is bunkum, you mean that you think it is completely untrue or very stupid. 胡言
前总统唐纳德・特朗普周一在访问北卡罗来纳州期间再次提出了关于联邦政府对飓风海伦反应的被驳斥的说法。特朗普在阿什维尔附近一个受灾严重的社区对记者发表讲话时错误地声称,联邦应急管理局拿走了本应用于救灾的资金,却将其花在了非法进入该国的移民身上,使得该机构没有资金来帮助美国人。特朗普声称联邦应急管理局的资金 “都没了”—— 这是错误的。联邦应急管理局告诉美国有线电视新闻网,截至上周二,其救灾基金还剩下约 85 亿美元。该机构明确表示,它有足够的资金满足受飓风海伦影响的人们的眼前需求 —— 尽管今年全国各地的大量灾害意味着该机构可能不得不比预期更早地向国会请求额外的救灾资金。
4. Fall allergies
Allergy season is starting earlier and lasting longer, which scientists attribute to a variety of causes, including the climate crisis. As temperatures stay warmer into the fall, plants that release allergens have more time to grow. What’s more, higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to fossil fuel use and emissions further drive plant growth, generating more pollen. The most common culprit for fall allergies is a plant called ragweed, the CDC says, which can release 1 billion grains of pollen per plant. Pollen exposure can trigger various allergic reactions, including symptoms of hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis. These symptoms vary seasonally or year-round, affecting up to 60 million people annually in the US, according to the CDC.
What are your questions about fall allergies? Fill out this form and CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta may answer in an upcoming video.
N-COUNT An allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction in someone. 过敏源
词根 alle-, 相异,不同,词根 -gen, 产生,词源同gene,antigen抗原
N-MASS Pollen is a fine powder produced by flowers. It fertilizes other flowers of the same species so that they produce seeds. 花粉
culprit/ˈkʌlprɪt/|CET6+ TEM8
1.N-COUNT When you are talking about a crime or something wrong that has been done, you can refer to the person who did it as the culprit. 犯罪者; 犯错者
• All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.
2.N-COUNT When you are talking about a problem or bad situation, you can refer to its cause as the culprit. (造成问题或麻烦的) 原因
• About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.
N-UNCOUNT If you suffer from rhinitis or allergic rhinitis, your nose is very sore and liquid keeps coming out of it. 鼻炎
过敏季节开始得更早,持续时间更长,科学家将其归因于多种原因,包括气候危机。随着秋季气温保持温暖,释放过敏原的植物有更多的生长时间。此外,由于化石燃料的使用和排放,大气中二氧化碳含量更高,进一步推动了植物生长,产生更多花粉。美国疾病控制与预防中心表示,秋季过敏最常见的罪魁祸首是一种叫做豚草的植物,每株植物可释放 10 亿粒花粉。接触花粉会引发各种过敏反应,包括花粉热症状,也称为过敏性鼻炎。这些症状随季节或全年变化,根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据,每年影响多达 6000 万美国人。
5. Waffle recall
Dozens of frozen waffle products, including waffles sold under Walmart and Target store labels, have been voluntarily recalled due to potential listeria contamination. The products made by TreeHouse Foods were distributed throughout the US and Canada. No illnesses have been reported in connection with the recalled waffles. However, the company has urged consumers to check their freezers and discard the contaminated products or return them to the store the product was purchased from for credit. This recall follows a recent string of listeria outbreaks, including a late-July recall issued for more than 7.2 million pounds of Boar’s Head deli meats. The ready-to-eat meat and poultry items producer BrucePac also recently recalled more than 11.7 million pounds of products due to possible listeria contamination.
由于可能受到李斯特菌污染,包括沃尔玛和塔吉特商店品牌下销售的华夫饼在内的数十种冷冻华夫饼产品已被自愿召回。由 TreeHouse Foods 生产的这些产品在美国和加拿大各地销售。目前还没有与被召回的华夫饼有关的疾病报告。然而,该公司敦促消费者检查他们的冰箱,丢弃受污染的产品,或者将其退回到购买产品的商店以获得信用。此次召回是在最近一系列李斯特菌爆发之后进行的,包括 7 月下旬对超过 720 万磅的 Boar's Head 熟食肉类的召回。即食肉类和家禽产品生产商 BrucePac 最近也因可能的李斯特菌污染召回了超过 1170 万磅的产品。
NBA regular season tips off today
The reigning champion Boston Celtics will host the New York Knicks in the first game of the campaign. The Minnesota Timberwolves will also visit the Lakers in Los Angeles, where LeBron and Bronny James will likely become the first father-son NBA teammates to play together in a regular season game.
NBA 常规赛今日揭幕
卫冕冠军波士顿凯尔特人队将在首场比赛中主场迎战纽约尼克斯队。明尼苏达森林狼队也将在洛杉矶挑战湖人队,勒布朗和布朗尼・詹姆斯可能会在那里成为第一对在常规赛中一起打球的父子 NBA 队友。
Woman gets wedged upside down between rocks while retrieving phone
A woman who tried to retrieve her lost phone between boulders in Australia became stuck upside down for seven hours before she was rescued. Her phone must’ve had a lot of sedimental value …
Super-thin skyscraper, just one apartment wide, planned for Dubai
The Muraba Veil will reach more than 1,200 feet into the sky but will be just about 74 feet across, according to the developers behind the project.
根据该项目的开发商介绍,Muraba Veil 将高达 1200 多英尺,但宽度仅约为 74 英尺。
Major shakeup at Disney
Disney is about to have its fourth board chair in three years, as the company continues to navigate ongoing tumult in the media industry.
Five ways to support your friends with cancer
When a loved one discloses that they have breast cancer — or any disease — you naturally want to help. But it’s hard to know how. CNN’s Sara Sidner has these five tips.
That’s how many unionized mental health workers in Southern California went on strike against Kaiser Permanente on Monday after the two sides failed to reach a new labor agreement. The workers are seeking an increase in salaries, restoration of pensions and increased staffing.
“If you’re at all concerned, you can vote your conscience and not ever have to say a word to anybody.”
— Former Rep. Liz Cheney, urging Republicans and others who may not typically back Democrats to “vote your conscience” during her second swing state stop on Monday with Vice President Kamala Harris. Earlier, in a Detroit suburb, Cheney noted that some Republicans have feared reprisals, even violence, if they come out against Donald Trump.
—— 前众议员利兹・切尼在周一与副总统卡马拉・哈里斯一起在第二个摇摆州停留时,敦促共和党人和其他通常可能不支持民主党的人 “凭良心投票”。早些时候,在底特律郊区,切尼指出,一些共和党人担心如果他们反对唐纳德・特朗普,会遭到报复,甚至暴力。

Vice President Kamala Harris listens as former Rep. Liz Cheney speaks during a moderated conversation in Brookfield, Wisconsin, on Monday.
Kamil Krzaczynski/AFP/Getty Images
卡米尔・克拉琴斯基 / 法新社 / 盖蒂图片社
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How California is using AI to spot wildfires before they start
00:50 - Source: CNN
00:50 - 来源:美国有线电视新闻网
How firefighters are using AI to spot wildfires before they start
Firefighters and researchers in California teamed up to design an AI platform that detects smoke and other early indications of fire. Watch this video to see how the technology works.
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