All China-specific bills introduced in Congress between 1973 and 2006 were collected and classified. With this dataset of China bills, the author analyzed the role of Congress in U.S.-China relations, using the new institutionalism. The results indicate that the committee system, bicameralism, and presidential veto combine to make it extremely difficult—if not altogether impossible—for Congress to impose its policy preferences on the president through substantive legislation. Yet by enacting procedural legislation, influencing public opinion, and utilizing the rule of anticipated reactions, Congress has been quite influential in determining the agenda of U.S.-China relations. Moreover, it has often set up roadblocks that slow down the development of bilateral relations. The policy implications of the findings are also discussed.
它们的英文分别叫作The National People's Congress 以及The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference。“道德绑架”英语怎么说?我们受够她的道德绑架了。
She is attending a three-day conference on AIDS education.She has a weekly session at the health club on Saturdays.
《民国初年的国会政治》作者:严泉出版社:新星出版社2014年5月定价:34.00 《最初的国会》作者:李德林出版社:九州出版社2014年12月定价:39.80 《山河国运》作者:叶曙明出版社:九州出版社2014年10月定价:33.