There is a future sephiroth and a present sephiroth. Present sephiroth is dead and in the northren crater. Future sephiroth wants to change shit, but he cant because of watchmen of fate, spirits that want to keep the events just like that, and they were probably even following future sephiroth to the past to stop him. Im sure ive seen this concept before in soul reaver, where monsters attack raziel when hes travellin around time and messing with it.
我们为什么爱它?要说《最终幻想 7:重制版》,那还得从原版《最终幻想 7》说起。《最终幻想 7》是这个 Square Enix 这个经典的 RPG 系列登陆 PlayStation 主机的第一作。借助着索尼这部划时代主机强悍的性能,本作实现了 3D 化,还运用了大量的 CG。
《黑暗之魂3》防火女 防火女是《黑暗之魂3》NPC,会出现在某些特定地点,比如火祭场、王城和蜘蛛洞。 《尼尔:机械纪元》2B 《尼尔:机械纪元》女主角,尤尔哈战斗生化人2号B型,戴着眼罩时冷艳寡语,摘下眼罩后却是个眼神柔弱的妹子,战斗时英姿飒爽,凌厉动作中无时无刻在喷涌女性的特有
幸福总在不经意间逝去,就像痛苦总是甩之不去。美梦总被现实打破,而噩梦却总能将自己惊醒。我们都走在那条叫做命运的...看清眼前的风景,我们可以欣慰的说一句愿此刻永恒。仙剑奇侠传4 -回梦游仙我愿意默默的等待。就算是百年、我也会等下去。。。。