3)日期:用序数词表示。例:十月一日 写作:October 1, October 1st, 1 October, 1st October, 1st of October等,其中的October都可以写成缩写形式Oct.
今天分享一篇阅读理解,可以在学会月份后进行配套阅读,也可以作为日常的阅读材料。 每日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。文章中月份的单词都缺少首字母,需要补全单词,考查月份首字母的大写。选自Grammar& Punctuation先来一句一句读:1.
星期日Sunday 星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday一月:January 二月:February三月:March四月:April五月:May 六月:June 七月:J
一月January 家妞儿锐二月 February 饭不热锐三月 March 妈吃四月 April 唉扑热五月 May 妹六月 June 囧七月 July 猪来八月 August 我哥斯特九月 September 撒破谈波儿十月 October 沃克头波儿十一月 November
March became the third month when January and February, which were added to the end of the Roman calendar around 700 BCE, instead became the first and second months around 450 BCE.其实意思八九不离十了,是“形容人极度疯狂或非常愚蠢”的意思。
日期大多数可使用序数词,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th, 6th, 7th ,8th, 9th ,10th,11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th ,16th, 17th, 18th,19th, 20th,21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th,31st…
在 C# 中有一个强大的 DateTime 类型可以用来将字符串转换为时间日期:部分海外站点,如英国或美国会输出包含缩写月份的时间日期字符串:如果尝试对其进行转换,则会报错:The string ‘8 Sept. 2021’ was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index ‘2’.September是特殊的,只有它一个是前4个字母,其它都是3个字母。