苏妈的原话是:In gaming graphics, channel sell-through of our Radeon 6000 and Radeon 7000 series GPUs increased sequentially. We saw strong sales of our high-end Radeon 7900 XTX GPUs in the first quarter, and we’re on track to expand our RDNA 3 GPU portfolio with the launch of new mainstream Radeon 7000 series GPUs this quarter.
在今日2021 ChinaJoy展会上,AMD正式发布了Radeon RX 6600 XT显卡。这款产品采用7nm工艺,RDNA 2架构,GPU核心代号为Navi 23 XT。官方表示,显卡能够畅玩1080P分辨率游戏,性能比英伟达RTX 3060高15%。