1♂Bigguy /Little man小男子汉♀Princess小公主2♂Munchkin /Little monster小淘气♀Sweetheart /Sweetie小甜心You're adorable, my little pincess/sweetie.我的小公主太可爱啦
在商店试衣服的时候经常听女孩子之间说:“Oh, this is cute”,or “You look cute in it.”当我们想要感叹他人可爱时可用:"You re so lovely."How are you?
听音频请点击下面适读年龄:5-9岁小猫咪太可爱了。看,这只小灰猫正在玩球呢;这只淘气的小黑猫正在捣蛋玩线球;这只小猫正一本正经地坐在椅子上;.......Kittens 小猫Here is a little kitten.
We kids really don't need too many toys. Just add some creativity, even a simple balloon and an egg carton can become a fun train or a cute puppy!
Youare the messengers of brightness and hope, the most beautiful angels and real heroes.——2020年3月10日,习近平在湖北省考察新冠肺炎疫情防控工作时的讲话有关部门要落实好防护物资、生活物
18种"晚安"的多种表达方法1. Nighty night. 晚安2. Sweet dreams. 好梦3. Sleep well. 睡个好觉4. Have a good sleep. 睡个好觉5. Dream about me. 要梦到我哦6.
It'sa dog-eat-dog world out there.这是一个损人利己的无情世界。4.fight like cats and dogs 大打出手,大吵大闹虽然小猫小狗很可爱,但是当他们凶起来,一样很可怕,英语里面,fight like cats and dogs就能
As I say, after a while the feeling, the idiotic feeling that you are beautiful, grows slowly in one again.
虽然六一似乎离我们很远了。但是只要你保持一颗永远年轻的心,你也可以过六一节!今天,就让我们学习一下这些形容孩子的单词!你也可以用来形容自己哟!adorable adj. 值得崇拜的,可敬重的; 可爱的,讨人喜欢的;We have three adorable children.
每天一篇英语小短文: 《可爱的动物》A Lovely Animal I am a lovely animal. My body is covered with wool or hair. My friends and I eat a lot of grass every day.
与其成天坐在酒吧间里,为了没有钱而可怜自己,你为什么不振作起来到外面去找个工作呢!Men are subject to sudden changes of fortune as the moon is subject to the changes of being full and crescent, cloudy and clear.
CHAPTER 05表达称赞CHAPTER 05-01亲密的称呼1.l love you, my darling.我爱你,达令。2.You cutie.小可爱。3.Oh, my sweetie.喔,我的甜心。4.You're such an amazing baby.