【OpenAI暂时下线ChatGPT“浏览”功能 或因部分用户利用该功能绕过付费墙】《科创板日报》5日讯,日前OpenAI方面宣布,面向ChatGPT Plus用户的"浏览"功能会在某些情况下出现故障,因此已于7月3日暂时禁用了这一功能。
北京时间6月25日,陆陆续续有OpenAI API的用户表示收到了来自OpenAI的“警告”邮件,内容如下:Our data shows that your organization has API traffic from a region that OpenAI does not currently support. You can find the supported countries and territories here. We will be taking additional measures to block API traffic from regions that are not on our supported countries and territories list starting on July 9. To continue using OpenAI's services, you will need to access the service in a supported region.
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提示词:Several giant wooly mammoths approach treading through a snowy meadow, their long wooly fur lightly blows in the wind as they walk, snow covered trees and dramatic snow capped mountains in the distance, mid afternoon light with wispy clouds and a sun high in the distance creates a warm glow, the low camera view is stunning capturing the large furry mammal with beautiful photography, depth of field.