“Youare a chicken”听到这句话估计很多人特别是女孩子,心里都会冒起火吧没办法,鸡在中文里的代指实在是一言难尽不过虽然这句话的实际意思没有中文直译那么恶劣但也的确不是好话1You are a chicken 是什么意思?
chicken是鸡,shit是屎,那chickenshit是什么意思?千万别翻译成“鸡屎”!今天一起来学习一下。chickenshitchickenshit的英文解释是:a person who is not brave一个不勇敢的人也就是“胆小鬼”的意思。
这句英语的意思是,你是个胆小鬼,你是个懦夫。chicken 这个英语单词在这里表示 胆小鬼,胆怯的人。例子:I'm going to fight tooth and nail for that promotion.
chick n.小鸡a brood of chickens, 小鸟, 鸡肉curry chicken,乳臭小孩,胆小的人, 懦夫;count one's chickens before they're hatched。
But as Grammarphobia reports, domestic fowl had been associated with an absence of bravery long before the 17th century. One play from around 1450 described a coward as a “henne-harte,” and poet John Skelton likened some spineless courtiers to “hen-hearted cuckolds” in his poem Why Come Ye Nat to Courte circa 1529.17世纪人们刚开始用母鸡来指代顺从懦弱的人时,通常都会与公鸡一词并列。
吉米老师前言:学英语切忌望文生义,yellow真的不止黄色这么简单,让老师告诉同学们yellow还有哪些意思吧。you are yellow是什么意思?yellow [ˈjeloʊ] adj.黄色的;黄皮肤的,黄色人种的;胆怯的n.黄色v.
而每年的更替,亦是不同的生肖年,今天我们来聊聊十二生肖的英文表达及相关谚语。Even a dragon finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt.