今天来补充一下怎么用英语形容人很话唠!①talka blue streak滔滔不绝,口若悬河He talked a blue streak all through breakfast.他吃早餐时一直都在滔滔不绝地说话。
王健林、董明珠、贾跃亭、周鸿祎、柳传志、刘永好、李东升……12月10-11日,数千名企业“老大”们在上周末纷纷来到北京,进行了一次“闭门聚会”。这次会议是第15届中国企业领袖年会(China Entrepreneur Summit),主题为“主场中国”。
Hani autonomous county of Mojiang, southwest China's Yunnan province is located on the northern tropic. Every year on the Summer Solstice, the sun sits directly over the Tropic of Cancer and returns from north to south. Then, the amazing phenomenon known as “upright pole with no shadows” occurs.
Scruple comes from scrupulus, a Latin word for a small stone or pebble. Historically, a scruple was also an old apothecaries’ measurement equal to 1/24th of an ounce . In the early 17th century scruple also came to be used as another name for 1/60th of a degree of a circle , 1/60th of a minute , and 1/60th of a day .“Scruple”源自拉丁语中的“scrupulus”。
我们必须不时地适应并创新,以确保在不断扩大的市场中取得成功。安全武装不断地巡视着四周的人们。Ministers constantly tell voters that competition is good for economies .