猪肉 Pork、牛肉 Beef、羊肉 Lamb、禽蛋类 Poultry and Eggs、蕈类 Mushrooms、海鲜类 Seafood、蔬菜类 Vegetables、豆腐类 Tofu、燕窝类 Bird’s Nest Soup、汤类Soups、煲类 Casserole。
Feeling tired after lunch, or post meals in general, is known as postprandial somnolence — or, colloquially, the food coma.
对于这个地道北方传统小吃的英文翻译,韭菜盒子的英文翻译可以是The Chinese Leek Pancake,具体可以如此对外解释:The Chinese leek pancake is a deliciousfood made of leek, eggs and flour. It is a very popular traditional snack inShandong, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi and Northeast China. It is also a festival foodin some areas.Generally choose fresh leek and sea rice, eggs as the main rawmaterial processing and production of food. The skin of leek pancake is goldenand crisp, the filling heart is crisp and tender, and the taste is wonderful.
之前小编在追热播剧《欢乐颂》(Ode To Joy)的时候,又发现了一个bug,曲筱绡在招待外商的时候打电话向安迪求助,面对满桌子的中国美食,老外眼花缭乱的同时也非常感兴趣,当问到三黄鸡时,安迪报上的菜名是soy sauce chicken(酱油鸡),其实呢,三黄鸡是鸡的品种,酱