TL494的2脚接一个2.2K的电阻接到电位器的中端,电位器的上端接TL494的13 14 15脚 下端接地,我的这个电源,这样接好后,有个问题,电压不能从0v调起,我又减少电位器中端的2.2K电阻的阻值,顺利的把电压从0.1V到28.6V了。
一、前言:PC电源知多少 个人PC所采用的电源都是基于一种名为"开关模式"的技术,所以我们经常会将个人PC电源称之为——开关电源 (Switching Mode Power Supplies,简称SMPS),它还有一个绰号——DC-DC转化器。
左边的是LM339,右边是7500芯片下面我列出改可调电源所需的材料:1、采用LM339+7500芯片的台式机电源2、 10K可调电位器一个,最好是精密多圈电位器3、 50V1000UF电容一个4、 双显数字表头1个5、 15K色环电阻1个,10K色环电阻1个6、 100K色环电
不间断电源现已广泛应用于:航天、工业、通讯、国防、医学院、计算机业务终端等领域。本题目通过 STC15F2K60S2 主控芯片产生 spwm 调制信号,利用单片机的高精度、高效率完成了常用 50hz 工频和 400hz 中频的正弦交流电能的产生,并且做到输出电压可调、频率可切换,同时加入了诸多关键参数的显示和对电源智能化的安全保护。
TL494的工作方式细节想进一步改进该电路的话, 更多可用的正激电源拓扑2 材料准备需要的电子器材:16 脚 DIP 插座 x1TL494 芯片 x14700uF,16V 电容 x1100nF 瓷片电容 x110nF 瓷片电容 x150k 电位器 x110k 电位器 x11.5k
With the rapid development of modern communication technology, communication power of the weight, volume, reliability, efficiency, and put forward higher requirements. The power applied to the phase-shifted full-bridge where the DC/DC converter has a simple structure, high output power, high efficiency, easy to realize soft-switching, the power switch is exposed to a series of voltage and current stress of the advantages, therefore, its study is of great significance. This article first DC/DC boost converter current triggering the main circuit, input circuit, feedback circuit control chip, push-pull transformers were in detail.The focus of the MOS FET loss problems were studied and analyzed. Secondly, the paper also used in this study a brief introduction devices and gives the necessary parameters of the device, the establishment of a model and simulation using Protel Altium Designer 6.9 software to analyze the stability of the system. Finally, the simulation results according to their actual circuit and thus made all the normal debugging, achieves the required effect.