听儿歌,磨耳朵精选节奏感、韵律感强的趣味儿歌轻松开启宝贝的英文启蒙昨天的廖彩杏书单|Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear带我们认识了很多动物,今天我们来听听《I have a pet》这首儿歌给我们介绍了哪些宠物吧~你的家里有养宠物吗?
其它常用到的色彩英语词汇:pink 粉色baby pink 浅粉红色gold 金gray 灰色Bird , bird是小鸟,小鸟bird天上飞;dog ,dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪叫;cat ,cat是小猫,小猫cat喵喵叫;monkey ,monkey是小猴,小猴monkey
听音频请点击下面难度等级:B级Animal coverings 动物的皮We have scales. 我们有鳞屑We have feathers.我们有羽毛We have shells.我们有壳。We have spines.我们有脊椎。We have armor.
听音频请点击下面难度等级B级Go Animals Go 动物们出发The cow is in a car.奶牛在开车The pig is on a bike.小猪骑自行车The goat is in a boat.
启蒙指导:【适合年龄】:0-3岁【学习目标】 :0-12m宝宝目标单词:磨耳朵为主1-2岁宝宝目标单词:以上 + zoo动物园、elephant大象、kangaroo袋鼠、monkey猴子、snake蛇、polar bear北极熊,jump跳(复习),swim 游泳(复习)、da
听音频请点击下面难度等级:B级On the Farm 在农场A dog is in a house.一只狗在屋里A cow is in a barn.一只奶牛在畜棚A pig is in the mud.一只猪在泥巴里A chicken is in the hay.
【造句】:The lion is the king of the grassland 狮子是草原之王。【造句】:The horse won the first place in the race 这匹马在比赛中得了第一名。
Can you guess who I am? I am a blue whale. 你能猜到我是谁吗?我是一头蓝鲸。Am I a fish?No!那我是鱼类吗?不是的!A fish is born from an egg,but I am not.I am a mammal!