15、If I ever had any doubts about how demanding a teacher’s job is, it would have disappeared for good when I spent some time recently in sc
8、 I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress,
1.To really develop empathy, you’d better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, ha
盖房子要先架好骨架,学英文要先学英文句子结构。学会英文句子结构后,再学习语法细节,比较能够理解,不需要死背。 然而,大部分的英文学习者,对句子还不熟悉,就忙着学语法细节,理解不来就强记,强记不来,最后只能放弃。
用英语写作WeYou They, 宾格是us, you, them还有作物主代词的our, your, their,名词性物主代词ours, yours, theirs最后多说一句代词还有指示代词this that,常常用the来代替。