Adding Feet to a Snake画蛇添足One day, Mr. Lion holds a party. Many animals come and drink a lot of wine. At last there is a pot of wine.
每到新的生肖年,大家满心欢喜用英文分享这份传统喜悦时,却常常掉进翻译的 “坑” 里。你是不是下意识觉得 “蛇年” 就是 “snake year”?这么直译,虽然字面看着直白,却妥妥偏离了正宗英文表达,还错失了向外国朋友精准传递中华文化的好机会。“蛇年” 英文怎么说?
A crow was sitting on a branch of a tree with a piece of cheese in her beak when a fox observed her and set his wits to work to discover some ways of getting the cheese. Coming and standing under the tree he looked up and said, “what a noble bird I see above me!
听绘本请点击下方音频《Rainforest Animals》雨林动物The cat.猫科动物The monkey.猴子The frog.青蛙The parrot.鹦鹉The snake.蛇The butterfly.蝴蝶The beetle.甲虫The rainforest.
中新网北京1月21日电 题:哪些国际人物在蛇年过本命年?记者 苏婧欣蛇年将至,你知道哪些国际人物属蛇吗?他们与蛇又有怎样的故事?快来看一看吧!J.K.罗琳,英国小说家J.K.罗琳1965年7月31日生于英国。
听音频请点击下面适读年龄:5-9岁小朋友们,你们知道蛇有哪些本领吗?今天的故事会告诉我们小蛇各种各样的本领哦。让我们一起来读故事吧!All about Snakes 关于蛇A snake can swim.This snake is swimming in the water.