Ubuntu20.04是一个十分友好的桌面操作系统,下面说一下各种常用软件的安装。1、安装chrmoe执行如下命令1.在终端中,输入以下命令:sudo wget http://www.linuxidc.com/files/repo/google-chrome.
27.输入【Your name】【Your computer's name】【Pick a username】【Choose a password】【Confirm your password】后,点击【Continue】。
Programmers do much more than just clicking buttons. They design, develop, test, and maintain software applications. They also analyze user needs and develop software solutions to meet those needs. Additionally, they collaborate with other team members, such as designers and project managers, to ensure that the software meets the desired specifications and is delivered on time and within budget.
当AI撞上代码,迸发出的火花比我对象的眼睛还亮!哈喽大家好啊!今天我要分享一个让我下巴都惊掉的经历 —— 用Cursor这个AI工具,轻轻松松就搞定了一个视频网站。别笑,我是认真的!往常做个视频网站,得熬几个月的夜,喝几十杯咖啡,掉很多头发...现在?给我三分钟!