to start talking angrily about something bad that someone else has done as if you feel you are better or more clever than they are。get on your high horse 用来形容那些优越感爆棚,而且动不动就对别人吹毛求疵的人。
93.temper /'tempə/ n. 脾气。94.territory /'terItəri/ n. 领土,领域,范围。95.totem /'təʊtəm/ n. 图腾,崇拜物。96.transfer /træns'fɜː/ n. 转让,转移;
认识一个单词就像交友一样,一定是经历了形同陌路—— 似曾相识—— 一见如故 —— 刻骨铭心的过程;All I seem to do is cook, wash and pick up after the kids.