马云英语演讲视频曝光 流利口语远超刘强东 楚秀网讯:日前,阿里巴巴总裁马云的一段英语演讲视频爆红网络,流利的口语令人叹服。与东京CEO刘强东在公司就会上说的蹩脚英文相比,马云的英语堪称专业标准,有网友评论马云是三流的长相,一流的英语。
Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, urged young people in the city to look beyond Hong Kong and think about how to solve global problems as he received an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Hong Kong on Friday.“Real businesspeople make money by solving social problems for others,” Ma said after receiving the degree from HKU chancellor and Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor.“Today, people say Hong Kong has a lot of problems. Any city has problems,” he said.“People say Hong Kong’s young people have problems. Any young person has problems.”He said he was confident Hong Kong would “solve these problems”.Ma said that he had met Lam five times during the past six months, and that they had discussed young people, innovation and the city’s future.Real businesspeople make money by solving social problems for othersHe said the world’s future would be shaped by new technology, bringing challenges in almost all aspects of people’s lives, especially in education.“Everything that we taught our kids in the past 200 years, machines will do better ,” he said.Educators should teach what machines were not capable of, such as creativity and independent thinking, he added.It was the second honorary doctorate that Ma received in the city, having been conferred one by the University of Science and Technology in 2013.Ma holds a bachelor’s degree in English language education from the Hangzhou Teacher’s Institute.
马云的英语口语在中国算是非常优秀。他自己也说,他的英语是小时候在西湖边上陪老外练出来的。从小能接受native speaker的口语训练,对成年后的英语水平几乎有决定性的影响。 比流利更重要的是什么呢?是能够用英语进行有质量的交流。
马云说他申请过十次哈佛,都被拒绝了。他还说15年后,希望人们能到处看到阿里巴巴。来自电商报微博段子称,“一位外国嘉宾在达沃斯会场拦住了马云,一脸都是对Jack Ma无限敬仰,说‘晚上哈佛的派对您去么?您一定是哈佛的校友吧!’马老板的英文神回复:不是,我是‘Hang Dian’的!
Unlike other tech founders, Jack Ma has no background knowledge in computers. This goes to show that anyone with good enough passion can be successful provided that they have the courage to pursue their dreams.但这也表明,只要有勇气追求梦想,任何有足够激情的人都可以成功。
我并没有富有的父亲。Tried it three times for the university, all failed.大学考了 3 次,3 次都失败了。I applied for Harvard for ten times, all failed.
马云英国行,在剑桥大学开讲。这次,面对主人抛出的犀利问题,马云从容对答,妙语连珠。大谈关于青春,关于奋斗。马云一句“我愿散尽财富换青春”引热议。马云剑桥演讲视频地址 :http://video.weibo.com/show?
#挑战30天在头条写日记#Jack Ma and his Quotes!——这些年马云说过的那些名言,跟着老外学地道英文(三)A real businessman or entrepreneur has no enemies.