Historiesmake men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 例2. 没
我们都知道“中文”的英语是Chinese,普通话则是Mandarin,二者有什么关联与区别呢?而由mandarin组成的词汇,比如mandarin duck、mandarin orange,又有什么特别的意思呢?
Welaughed and kept saying"see you soon",but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again.我们笑着说再见,却深知再见即永别。Life isn't like in the movi
People in my family are doing different things. My brother is playing computer games. You see, he likes playing games very much. My grandpa
作为中国人,我们都很自豪,中国的文化也被各国学习和效仿,上海这个国际化大都市,各国友人都有,学好英语与他们沟通也很重要。简单一句,“我是中国人”可不是"I’m a chinese. " 一起来看看正确表达吧!