原文更加准确:“Contemporary artists have, in fact, made an interesting discovery: as a result of the gulf between 20th century art and art of a distant past, they have found that there is something held in common with all the works of the masters of old – diversity – such as was once attributed only to art that was not of western origin.“ Some – mostly younger – artists are fascinated by this absurd situation. So as to avoid the danger of convention in overly cheap modern academism that runs to weeds everything in an intensely base form, they rather make a radical return to the past.
Ron English这位波普艺术大师,凭借出色的创意成功打造众多经典的卡通形象,其中Grin系列亦是近年最具辨识度的创作。近日Ron English为各位带来最新的玩偶作品,以经典的Mouse Mask Murphy组合Smiley Grin,推出套装式限定之作。
The various twists and turns of Shi’s life journey have condensed into his ink wash portrait paintings. Each one tells a unique story about the country and people he has a deep affection for. “I see painting as my greatest passion in life and I have committed myself to the characters under my brush. I have whole-heartedly devoted myself to both life and the pursuit of art.”
迪士尼近期宣布将要拍摄真人版《花木兰》,而女英雄花木兰则是从近千名候选人中选定由刘亦菲扮演。> “Liu’s casting breaks up a string of Hollywood-based bad decisions when it
马立远2020年4月20日杨飞云:我这一次的个展叫写生见性Thename of my solo exhibition is True nature in sketch.我是五四年出生在内蒙古包头市的郊区I was born in suburbs of Baotou, Inner
The panorama conveys the intangible qualities of the West Lake. The imaginative richness and cultural significance accumulated over the centuries seem to come alive through Chen's composition techniques and his perfect use of colors.
·亨利·方丹·拉图尔·Henri Fantin-Latour··创作日期·1859 – 1859··布面油画· oil on canvas·实际尺寸w605 x h855 mmHenri Fantin-Latour亨利·方丹·拉图尔·Portrait of Mademoisell
世界闻名的油画作品,大多已经被分析得很彻底了。不过,有些画家可是在画中藏了一点小心思,你有没有注意到呢?最近,英国作家兼艺术家Susie Hodge的新书Art in Detail: 100 Masterpieces面世了,书中为我们介绍了100幅名画中常被忽视的细节。
“The work is that I have taken their money,” Haaning told the Danish radio program P1 Morgen last week. “It’s not theft. It is a breach of contract, and breach of contract is part of the work.”
现位于:Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York City, NY, US。和大卫同一时期的其他画作一样,《苏格拉底之死》也采用了古典的主题:柏拉图在《斐多篇》中所记录的苏格拉底之死。