在杭州市临安区有一位非物质文化遗产项目“昌化鸡血石雕”传承人王梁军 , 他师从浙江省非物质文化遗产项目昌化鸡血石雕传承人邵城鑫,曾多次赴福建、青田等石雕之乡拜访名师名家,取众家之长,将寿山石雕、青田石雕、昌化鸡血石雕技艺融合,形成了因色取巧、按材施艺、突出石雕神韵的独特艺术风格。
Changhua bloodstone technology is mainly used to make seals, carving crafts and raw stone appreciation. Among the many printing stones, Changhua bloodstone is one of the “three treasures of printing stones” in China, and won the reputation of “Queen of printing stones” with its tantalizing beauty, making a unique contribution to the development of Chinese printing culture. At the same time for China's jade carving craft to create a unique school of “chicken blood” qiao carving, its works to “magnificent, elegant, exquisite, more” known.