另外,2020年3月13日,中国科技大学魏海明团队在NationalScience Review在线发表题为“Pathogenic T cells and inflammatory monocytes incite inflammatory storm in severe COV
参考阅读:1. Cytokine Levels in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 and Other Conditions. JAMA. 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.17052。
8月19日发表在Cell Press细胞出版社旗下期刊Cell杂志上的一项研究表明,一些高水平的细胞因子可能也会阻止感染者发展出长期免疫,因为据观察,患者只能产生很少的B细胞,而这类细胞是形成持久免疫反应所必需的。
1.FerraraJL, Abhyankar S, Gilliland DG: Cytokine storm of graft-versus-host disease: a critical effector role for interleukin-1. Transplanta
参考文献:1.Ruan Q, Yang K, Wang W, Jiang L, Song J. Clinical predictors of mortality due to COVID-19 based on an analysis of data of 150 patient
参考文献:[1]Tisoncik JR, Korth MJ, Simmons CP, et al. Into the eye of the cytokine storm. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2012, 76:497-506.[3] Channappa
参考文献:1.邓海静、谢琦,细胞因子风暴的临床特点和治疗方法.2.GasderminE–mediated target cell pyroptosis by CAR T cells triggers cytokine release syndrome.Science Immuno
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