“毛骨悚然”,汉语成语,意思是毛发竖起,脊梁骨发冷;形容恐惧惊骇的样子(with one's hair standing on end; be absolutely terrified)令人毛骨悚然可以翻译为“make someone's blood run cold”例句:黑暗
1.honorificabilitudinitatibus这个字是由27个字母组成的。出现在大文豪莎士比亚的剧本「空爱一场」love's labour's lost里,意思是「不胜光荣」。2. antidisestablishmentarianism这个字是由28个字母组成的。
ADJ If you say that someone or something is awful, you dislike that person or thing or you think that they are not very good. 令人讨厌的。转载《有道词典》,如有侵权请通知删除。
很恐怖用英语怎么说?很多人可能第一时间想到的是It's Scary。其实还有更多地道的说法,一起学习4个:Here are other ways to say ‘It’s scary.’ 1. It’s terrifying! 2. It’s creepy! 3.
#世界上最恐怖的电影是哪部电影#好的,以下是我为您准备的世界上最恐怖的电影前十榜单,并附上理由:1.《驱魔人》(The Exorcist):这部电影讲述了一个年轻女孩被恶魔附身的故事,充满了恐怖和惊悚的场面,是恐怖电影的经典之作。2.
Frankenstein is one of the world’s most famous horror stories. It’s about a doctor who creates a new man from the body parts of dead people and brings it to life. But the experiment goes wrong and the monster kills the doctor and many others.
He was filled with consternation to hear that his friend was so ill.与fear含义接近,但语气更强,并增加了厌烦、不愿面对现实的意味。
1,symbol象征The animal is the symbol of the nation 这个动物是这个国家的象征2,team 队I can establish my team myself 我能自己组建队伍3,tear 眼泪,撕裂He is tearing your c
People fled from the explosion in terror。Some women have a terror of losing control in the birth process.害怕失去控制。