costTheticket cost me ten dollars.The cost of living is much higher now than it was two years ago. cost除了以上用法外,还有其它用法。
93.temper /'tempə/ n. 脾气。94.territory /'terItəri/ n. 领土,领域,范围。95.totem /'təʊtəm/ n. 图腾,崇拜物。96.transfer /træns'fɜː/ n. 转让,转移;
几年前,大表姐刘雯在Ins上发文祝网友新年快乐,被骂惨了。原因无他,只因刘雯配文写的是:Happy Lunar New Year!!!网友大骂刘雯迁就韩国人和越南人,并表示作为中国人,她应该用Happy Chinese New Year!经国内媒体报道后,又掀起了一轮舆论风波。
to start talking angrily about something bad that someone else has done as if you feel you are better or more clever than they are。get on your high horse 用来形容那些优越感爆棚,而且动不动就对别人吹毛求疵的人。
D篇选自美国国家公共电台网站2018年3月12日名为No Man Is An Island: The Wisdom Of Deliberating Crowds的文章。No man is an island,entire of itself;
认识一个单词就像交友一样,一定是经历了形同陌路—— 似曾相识—— 一见如故 —— 刻骨铭心的过程;All I seem to do is cook, wash and pick up after the kids.