你真的把她的表弄坏了Barry, I'm sorry... I am so sorry... 巴瑞,对不起,真是对不起I know you probably think that this is all about what I said the other day about
不我不要 我觉得人到一定年纪后Nah, I dunno... What is wrong with New Year's你当然没事 你有保罗Nothing for you, you have Paolo.无须面对这种糟糕的节日压力You don't have to face th
相信每个人在不同的时期都会对《老友记》有不一样的感受,它用特征性的美式幽默影响着一代人。Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it.
相信很多很多朋友都看过听说过《老友记》原文名《Freinds》这部很好看的电视剧。《老友记》开播,第一句台词是:THERE IS NOTHING TO TELL,而片头曲中的“I'll Be There For You”则令人难以忘记。