后来,人们就用这个片语来比喻“在家庭中不受喜欢的人”。The idiom refers to someone who is regarded by other members of their family or group as a failure or embarrassment. For example:Sometimes, I was considered the black sheep of the family, the weirdo in the group. I want to change myself.
As the owner of factory I'm like the head of a family, and as such I can't allow any black sheep among my employees.
No monkey business, now, we've got to get this job done.Typical we do the donkey-work and he takes the credit!
我们来看两个例句吧:Mayis the black sheep in the family because she is an artist whereas everyone else is an economist.梅有辱门风,因为她是艺术家,而家族其他人都是经济学家。
**The real situation in the South China Sea is as follows:真实的南海状况是这样的:Almost all coastal countries have claimed to have their own spheres of influence in this region, with these spheres of influence intersecting and each country insisting on having legitimate reasons.结果显而易见,在这次峰会上,东盟把菲律宾看成了彻头彻尾的害群之马。
Goodbye to you my trusted friend再见了,我的挚友We've known each other since we were nine or ten我们九岁十岁时就相识Together we've climbed hills and trees曾经一起