在同学眼中的马浩睿是同龄人中优秀的存在,他还是国际食品领域SCI 3区期刊Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization审稿人和中国化学会会刊《化学通讯》审稿人。
据了解,杨明鄂读博期间连续在《Hydrometallurgy》、《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》、《Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering》等国内外Top期刊上发表了《Effect of mechanical activation on extraction of vanadiumfrom chromium-containing vanadate solution by calcification and carbonization》、《Recovery of chromium from vanadium precipitated solution by precipitation with lead salt and leaching with sodium carbonate》、《Cyclic metallurgical process for extracting V and Cr from vanadium slag: Part II. Separation and recovery of Cr from vanadium precipitated solution》等SCI一区高水平论文8篇,另发表EI、CSCD及中文核心15篇,其研究成果主要聚焦在钒铬分离回收循环冶金工艺开发和机理研究。