Carpe diem is part of Horace’s injunction “carpe diem quam minimum credula postero,” which appears in his Odes, published in 23 BC. It can be translated literally as “pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one.” The phrase is more widely known as “seize the day”.
大家在去机场坐飞机的时候,一定都注意到机场的航站楼一般都写T1,T2或者T3、T4…这个T是哪个单词呢?坐飞机还会遇到哪些英文呢?今天小编就带来了和坐飞机相关的英文知识!T1 T2 T3这里的“T”是“”的首字母,就是航站楼的意思。terminal n.
“Queen never cry”,女王从不哭泣。这句充满力量感的台词最近在国内外网络上持续走红。该梗出自一部搞笑韩漫,漫画中医生把哇哇啼哭的新生婴儿抱给妈妈时,女人似乎有些不耐烦,便凑到婴儿耳边低语道:Queen never cry。
在大选年里新闻界时常爱用一些习惯用语来报道选举形势的发展。今天再谈两个常会用到的习惯用语。例如,在最近一份华盛顿的报纸上有这样一个大标题: Candidates Duke it out over Fuel。这里的fuel指汽车燃料: 汽油,而candidates是指总统侯选人。
The use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or of two or more words of the same or nearly
Bock,cock,dock,gock,hock,jock,lock,mock,nock,pock,rock,scok,tock。Do you know how to bock into the system?