没有人确切地知道他们将如何处理这些销售问题,但十有八九是由员工来承担代价。No one knows for sure how they're going to deal with these sales issues, but ten to one it's the employ
深层意思是坚强、严格、有主意不受影响的人。He is really a tough cookie and I do admire him for his ability to deal with sticky situations.
“Trying to talk like Mother,” said Edmund. “And who are you to say when I'm to go to bed?Go to bed yourself.”“Hadn't we all better go to bed?”said Lucy. “There's sure to be a row if we're heard talking here.”
《命令与征服:红色警戒》(Command & Conquer:Red Alert)是Westwood及EA开发,美国艺电游戏公司发行的一款即时战略(RTS)单机游戏。其续作有《命令与征服:红色警戒2》及《命令与征服:红色警戒3》。