回顾2024年,外交部在语言表达上可谓是金句频出,每一句翻译都巧妙地传递了中国的外交立场。华春莹在回应佩洛西窜台事件时,表明“勿谓言之不预”,“So do not say that we have not said in advance about the implications of this incident” 。
“”Wang Yi said that big countries should act in a manner befitting their status, shoulder their due international responsibilities, maintain world peace and help countries realize common development. I hope you will act accordingly and play a constructive role for the future of the people of China and the United States, as well as for the peace and stability of the world.”
这中间还有一个小故事。据“玉渊潭天”说,咱们同传把“好自为之”译为“I hope that Rubio would make the right decisions”,路透社则翻译成“I hope you would conduct yourself well”。
新闻周刊:I hope you will take good care of yourself and play a constructive role for the future of the Chinese and American peoples and for world peace and stability。
面对粉丝质疑口红价格太贵时,李佳琦张口即来:“Sometimes should look for your own reasons, whether your salary has increased after so many years, and whether you have been working hard enough,” 让粉丝找一下自身原因,是不是这几年没涨工资,工作是不是够努力。
外交部自己的英文通稿:Ihope you will actaccordingly,美联社:behave yourself,路透:conduct yourself well,彭博:conductyourself properly,美国新闻周刊最搞笑:take good care of yourself,全球媒体现在用美联社的翻译比较多。