经典绘本Pete the Cat皮特猫11本(PDF+音频+解读视频+游戏互动册)皮特猫系列绘本是美国畅销的情绪绘本,风靡全美,几乎每个家庭的孩子都拥有一册皮特猫。皮特猫系列也属于性格养成绘本,有利于培养孩子自信、乐观、勇敢的优秀品格,它让孩子学会接纳自己、直面困难、乐于分享!
青少年创客公益课堂地点:五楼503教室年龄:8-15岁青少年阅读辩论体验课地点:四楼第三教室年龄:9-12岁少儿创意美术公益课堂地点:四楼第四教室年龄:4岁以上会说话的绘本”之绘本故事会《Pete the Cat - I Love My White Shoes》地点:二楼活动室年
会说话的绘本“会说话的绘本“之绘本故事会《Pete The Cat Rocking in My school Shoes》时间:9月9日(周六)10:30地点:二楼活动室主讲人:Nancy老师建议年龄:3-7岁无需报名,座位有限请提早入场“会说话的绘本“之绘本故事会《尼尔森老师不
通过阅读分级绘本,来学习英语,已经是很多家长认可的学习方法。学习效率高,大大的拓展阅读面。市面上,英语有哪些分级读物呢?让我们一起来看看。一、牛津阅读树(Oxford Reading Tree)体系完整,分级明确,以故事叙述为主,适合零基础的孩子使用。
推荐理由:I recommend reading this book because it relates to what a lot of people are going through at the moment. Change. Although changes happen constantly, we should remember to always keep our heads up high and keep moving forward. The book speaks about a cat named Pete. He has new white shoes. Pete goes for a walk and steps in many different things that change the color of his shoes along the way but it doesn't stop him from walking and singing a song. Our lives are like this, along the way there will always be many changes but we have to keep on moving and make the best out of every situation.