References /少女用到的文献资料:Bowker . Having and being an other-sex crush during early adolescence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,629-643.
经常和歪果仁网络聊天、邮件往来的小伙伴,对“sorry, WC”应该不陌生。不过第一次看到这句话的时候估计都懵了吧?“为啥连上厕所都要跟我说?”Campaign Creators@campaign_creators。但其实这里的W C= wrong chat,意思是“发错人啦”。要是你不了解这些简化英语的含义,交流起来肯定会非常困难,甚至会闹出大笑话。
例句:Inthese circles, youth and beauty reign supreme,with most men preferring the company of a sugar baby in their early-to-mid twenties.在这个圈子
等我长大,变得优秀,成为能够为你遮风挡雨的人。所以明白了DW真正的含义,你会喜欢上这款手表吗?品牌创建人Filip Tysander 在一次旅行中遇到了一位低调谦逊的英国绅士,他着装优雅简约,尤其是腕间佩戴的一款北约军用表带古董手表,斑驳老旧却彰显出隽永格调。
A young woman takes a selfie with her friends on a colorful pedestrian crossing in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Tuesday. The crossing received a makeover to mark Qixi Festival, or Chinese Valentine's Day, which falls on Saturday.-是的,我了解你,伙计。
e.g.I love you, honey.e.g. Darling, would you please wait a second.e.g. When my girlfriend started calling my best friend "baby", I knew it
People say blah, blah, blah, when they do not want to give the exact words that somebody has said or written because they think they are not important or are boring.用来表示肯定、激动,或者热情的情绪。
饿及了有的人会说:“我饿得可以吃下一头牛!”更多的人饿了会说:“我要吃两份!”不过听到“I'm eating for two”可千万别以为对方是饿了!理解不到位可是会糗死人的!01eating for two是什么意思?