【各种各样的形状】triangle 三角形;square 正方形;rectangle 长方形;trapezoid 梯形;pentagon 五边形;oval 椭圆形;sector 扇形;pyramid 金字塔(棱锥体);cube 立方体;cylinder 圆柱体;cone 圆锥体;
spoon勺子chopsticks 筷子chopper 切碎机Meat Slicer 切片机,主要是把肉切成片的,尤其用在turkey或者火腿上面steamer 蒸笼strainer 过滤网 wok锅fork叉子whisk扫把mincer绞肉机 同时也可以说meat grinde
“For Jamaicans, the degree of spiciness starts at medium for children and goes up to purple hot,” he says, explaining that the peppers come in green, orange, red and purple hues, growing increasingly spicy in that order.