我在春节收到了好多红包。Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty.
摄图网 | 题图Summer | 编辑《ABLE黄宝》编辑部 | 出品一提起「红包」,很多人现在想起的都是微信红包。其实压岁钱才是我们红包的鼻祖。中国人认为红色代表红红火火、生活幸福。红包也包含了长辈对晚辈的祝福和期待。
a figure representing the difference between credits and debits in an account;当看到“秒杀”这个字眼,相信大家的第一反应是拿起手机,设置好几个闹钟避免错过。
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.