记者 于民星 实习生 王子昂7月25日晚,山东16市地标同时点亮,齐鲁大地光影璀璨,幢幢楼宇绽放“数字蓝”,为2023山东数字强省宣传月营造良好氛围。“一部手机走齐鲁·掌上通办爱山东”等标语,全面展示数字强省建设成果,深度展现全省人民共建共享智慧山东。济南点亮地标。
记者 刘通为庆祝“六一”儿童节,山东省各级未成年人保护工作领导小组办公室组织开展“喜迎二十大 同心护未来”系列宣传活动。5月31日晚,山东省16市城市地标统一播放“点亮六一 共护未来”宣传标语,为全省儿童送上节日的祝福。
Dezhou is the north gate of Shandong Province. It has an area of 10,300 square kilometers, a permanent population of 5.61 million, 11 counties and 2 national development zones. It regards the development of advanced manufacturing industry as its core project, and focuses its strength and resources on promoting the three advantageous backbone industries including biomedicine, food processing and high-end equipment. In 2009, Dezhou became the first prefecture level city in China which produced morethan one ton of grain per mu, and its total output surpassed 10 billion yuan. At present, Dezhou continues shouldering the responsibility of national food security, and has launched the construction of “One and a halftons of grain” in production capacity. At the same time, it has made breakthroughs in strengthening and extending the industrial chain to build a “famous food city” and a high-quality agricultural product supply base for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.