We laid the foundation for further growth. We advanced our incremental projects at world-class assets. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Phase III of the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine was put into production six months ahead of schedule. When it reaches design capacity, Kamoa-Kakula’s overall mined copper output will top 600,000 tonnes, making it the largest copper mine in Africa and the fourth largest globally. Its 500,000 tonne-per-annum smelter, set to be the largest in Africa, is scheduled for startup in the first half of 2025. In Serbia, the Čukaru-Peki Copper-Gold mine’s concentrator expansion increased daily throughput by 3,000 tonnes and was commissioned two months ahead of schedule. We have also stepped up preparatory work for block caving at the lower zone of Čukaru-Peki and the Jama Copper Mine in the country.
CHINESE NEW YEAR。The Year of the snake brings good luck。在此,我谨代表成都苑东生物制药股份有限公司向您及您的家人送上新春问候与祝福,祝您:新春快乐,阖家幸福,巳巳如意!