牛年到,春节好!恭祝大家节日快乐,万事如意![Photo/VCG]祝愿父母身体安康I wish you longevity and health.愿您福寿安康。Wishing you a long life.愿您长命百岁。
【春节的英文祝福语】----给父母亲----Mom and Dad: Thank you for everything this holiday season!爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢您们所给予的一切。
11/ Every end marks a new beginning. Keep your spirits and determination unshaken, and you shall always walk the glory road. With courage, faith and great effort, you shall achieve everything you desire. I wish you a Happy New Year.
新年前夕,国家主席习近平通过中央广播电视总台和互联网,发表了二〇二三年新年贺词。Comrade Jiang Zemin passed away in 2022. We pay high tribute to his towering achievements and noble demeanor, and cherish the great legacy he left behind. We will honor his last wishes and advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
中国农历新年即将到来,联合国秘书长古特雷斯10日通过视频发表农历辛丑牛年新春致辞。“春节快乐!Happy Lunar New Year!”在视频中,古特雷斯先后用中文和英文送上新春祝福,并称今年是牛年,自己也属牛。