中新社北京6月22日电 题:中国“和”文化为避免文明冲突提供诸多借鉴作者 莫红娥 张东方“道可道,非常道。”“器、术、道”为道家思想的精髓,对推动中外文化对话有何意义?在文化加速融合的新时代语境下,如何讲好中华文化故事、推动更深层的优秀文化和中国哲学思想在海外传播?
403,“applicable”,“adj 生效的,适合的=appropriate=relevant【例】The new law is applicable to from next year 新的法律明年起生效。
需要英语系列课程学习的小伙伴们,可以戳下方专栏来学习了!至于学会了没有不知道;You cannot learn English well, if you do not study English hard.
凡大医治病,必当安神定志,无欲无求,先发大慈恻隐之心,誓愿普救含灵之苦。When a master physician treats an illness, he must be calm in spirit, and free from desires;
例 Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an unfettered fox, hungry and threatened on its hill,than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.