《变形金刚:崛起》是一款变形金刚题材手游,制作团队强大,画质精美,玩法丰富。下面就随搞趣小编情无缘一起看看《变形金刚:崛起》前排强盾-喷气机祥解攻略。前排强盾---喷气机 技能:空中射手,单体攻击用,1.5倍加成;建议自己配一个加血技能,给前排的自己加个血。
此列表为纯手写,所有人物是我能想到的全部变形金刚,若有补充,可以私信或留言:霸天虎/狂派霸天虎首领:第一代首领:威震天,破坏大帝超级威震天,最强破坏大帝 终极威震天,克隆威震天,霸王龙,无敌龙第二代首领:惊破天第三代首领:撒克巨人,煽动者/暴君:扎克第四代首领:大恐龙萨拉斯第五代
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Part of the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Part of the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Part of the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.