There is a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called “present”.
今天,五四青年节。很多人在网上玩起了一句英语谐音梗:May the 4th be with you。原句来自《星球大战》:May the force be with you,愿力量与你同在。《星球大战》科幻巨制,角色拥有的强大能力让人神往。
”A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired/too tired“”What happens to a frog park illegally?
譬如说2B or not 2B?(to be or not to be )knowledge's power(拿了橘子跑哇)?pregnant(扑来个男的)?facebook (非死不可)?peace war found (屁是我放的)?