来源:环球时报 【环球时报综合报道】英国《卫报》17日援引最新调查数据报道,英国每年有13.3万男性过早死亡,且很多人死于完全可以避免的健康问题。报道称,英国男性的整体健康状况比其他发达国家糟糕,生活在英国贫困地区的男性过早死亡的概率比富裕地区高出81%。
The UK’s higher doctor-to-population ratio than us, has eight million patients on their waiting lists and is suffering from a chronic capacity crunch. Germany, also much higher than us in terms of the ratio, is facing a major challenge meeting the healthcare needs of their seniors across their länders or their states. Conversely, Singapore, we are delivering quite good healthcare outcomes.