showing unreasonable support for an opinion or plan of action and refusing to change or listen to different opinions。意思是不切实际,不可能发生的事。也可以说成:pigs can fly 或 pigs might fly。
“On the pig's back” is an Irish expression meaning to be in a fortunate situation, or living an easy or luxurious lifestyle. The saying has given its name to an Irish rewards website,, and was parodied in Black Books, with main character Bernard Black drunkenly slurring nonsensically that he and Manny Bianco are “on the pig's back, charging through a velvet field”.
听音频请点击下面:难度等级:EPig's new house 小猪的新屋Pig did not like his old pen.He wanted a new house.Pig found a nice spot by the pond.
《西游记》(Journey to the West)作为四大名著之一,从小就被大家所熟知,更是被拍成了电视剧,86版西游记尤其经典,后面的诸多翻拍,都无法超越这一版,近期央视在视频平台上线的《西游记》英文版片段,因翻译接地气、易懂引起大家的关注。