China's first intelligent power plant utilizing solar and tidal power to generate electricity was connected to the power grid on Monday. The full operation of the power plant in East China's Zhejiang province marks the country's new achievements in the utilization of marine energy resources and the development and construction of its new-energy network. Located in the city of Wenling, the power plant has an installed capacity of 100 megawatts.
本报北京5月30日电 全国首座潮光互补型智能光伏电站——国家能源集团龙源浙江温岭潮光互补型智能光伏电站30日实现全容量并网发电,开创了光伏与潮汐协调发电的新能源综合运用新模式,标志着中国在海洋能源综合利用、新能源立体式开发建设等方面取得新成效。