Whether in the United States or in the islands of Fiji, diaspora Chinese would calculate time zone differences to watch the Gala.
“春晚”英语怎么说?我担心我们今晚要错过春晚了。If having things turn out the way you wanted them to is a measure of a successful life, then, some would say I'm a failure.
小伙伴们过年好!大年三十,双语君给大家准备了一份年味十足的大礼!九十九个喜气洋洋的春节英文词汇!过年要用的词汇都被我们承包啦!快快收藏!新 春 佳 节1. 传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival2. 农历:lunar calendar3.
2 在表达区分于“公元新年”1月1日的那个节日即 New Year 的农历新年时,要用Lunar New Year.至于有一些人认为前面加上Chinese,这个节就有了“爱国色彩”,其实这种人是对英文语境的不熟悉。
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
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