第一次写游记、第一次自驾这么远、第一次走了这么多的隧道、第一次……图中红色就是本次的线路缩小了看感觉斜穿了大半个中国费用本次行程五千七百公里,其中:1、汽油:3200元(出了 北京 后有97的就加97,有的地方是95的)2、过路费:2153.
We set out from Bazhong and continue the northeastern journey. The roads cutting through Daba mountains lead us to Ankang in the afternoon, which means we have left the province of Sichuan and made it into the province of Shaanxi. The window of the large hotel room affords superb vistas of Hanjiang river. The longest tributary of Changjiang river, Hanjiang rises in Qinling mountains of Shaanxi and empties in Changjiang in Hankou, Hubei after running for over 1500km, and for history buffs its name easily conjures up Liubang who started his career as a low-ranking official but later amassed an army in those turbulent years, put to flight another warlord Xiangyu and ascended the throne as the founding father of the kingdom of Han in replacement of the kingdom of Qin created by the first emperor Qinshihuang.