寓意:发现财宝不惜拿性命去冒险的人。The crow could not find food. When he saw a snake lying in the sun, he swooped down and caught him. The snake turned back and bit him. On his deathbed, the crow said, “I'm so unfortunate. I found this unexpected wealth and died.”
好玩的是,我在搜寻“函授学社”的资料时,发现孔网在2019年2月还出售过一本Grosset & Dunlap公司出版、John Tenniel插图的英文版《依索寓言》,竟然跟我买的这本是“同门兄弟”——它的扉页上写着:“函授学社英文科读本 自修用书 第首种之五 1926 十五年七月十三日下午四时购于上海棋盘街商务印书馆总发行之西书柜 $1.00 Huang Ching-fu”。
The country mouse and the city mouse。特别声明:本头条号分享的资源版权属于原出版机构,本资源为电子载体,传播分享仅限于家庭使用与交流心得、参考和辅助购买决策,不得以任何理由在商业行为中使用,若喜欢此资源建议购买实体产品!
寓意:讽刺那些无情无义、恩将仇报的人。The vegetable grower's dog fell into the well. He wanted to save the dog from the well, so he went down into the well himself, but the dog thought that the owner came down to press it into the water and drown it as soon as possible. So when the vegetable grower approached the dog, the dog turned and bit him. The vegetable grower climbed up with great pain and said, “I deserve it!Why should I be so enthusiastic to save it?”
寓意:说明人要知足,不要“吃着碗里的,望着锅里的”对于有些东西不要盲目地相信,教导人们不要贪婪。A dog with a piece of meat in its mouth was about to cross the river. Seeing its own reflection in the river, it thought that it was another dog carrying a bigger piece of meat. So it threw away its own meat and went to grab a bigger piece of meat.
A Mule had had a long rest and much good feeding. He was feeling very vigorous indeed, and pranced around loftily, holding his head high.
A Wolf left his lair one evening in fine spirits and an excellent appetite. As he ran, the setting sun cast his shadow far out on the ground, and it looked as if the wolf were a hundred times bigger than he really was.
The Lion in Love恋爱中的狮子(上)A farmer lives alone with his Daughter. She is very beautiful, and also very thoughtful.
The Bear's whisper熊的耳语(上)Two travelers, John and Bob, are walking through a forest.两个旅行者,约翰和鲍伯正走在一片森林里。They are best friends.他们是最好的朋友。
The Son and his Mother小偷儿子和他的母亲(下)Son: Thanks, Mom. You're the best. What should I steal next time?儿子:谢谢,妈妈。你是天底下最好的妈妈。下次我该偷点什么呢?
Look.He's coming out now.看。他现在正要出来。hide /haɪd/ verb 躲藏 | keep sth/sb in a placeHe's warm.他暖和了。He's warmer.他越来越暖和了。
A crow was sitting on a branch of a tree with a piece of cheese in her beak when a fox observed her and set his wits to work to discover some ways of getting the cheese. Coming and standing under the tree he looked up and said, “what a noble bird I see above me!