/difficulty 设置难度,/effect 添加或移除药水效果,/enchant 附魔玩家物品,/execute 以另一实体身份执行命令,/experience 刷经验,/fill 填充方块,/function 运行函数,/gamemode 更改游戏模式,/gamerule 更改游戏规则,/give 给玩家物品,/help 显示帮助,/kill 杀死实体,/locate 定位最近的建筑坐标,/me ,/particle 生成粒子效果,/playsound 播放音乐,/recipe 管理合成,/reload 重载数据包,/replaceitem 替换物品。
Exorsus Raid Tools 插件介绍Exorsus Raid Tools(以下简称ERT)是来自EU Howling Fjord服务器的Exorsus(NGA俗称3K3)公会开发的一款功能非常强劲的插件.他能提供涵盖多种非常精细的游戏内的craft似的分析。1.
全力助你早日成为“一道闪电”:《从一个胖子到一道闪电之蜕变》各种补全+Q&A总结由于《从一个胖子到一道闪电之蜕变》所有文字部分都是在手机上一个晚上完成的,所以写得比较粗糙,对于某些值友关心的问题我认为有必要和大家再来聊聊。 主图是什么?蛋蛋么?
如果你喜欢《我的世界》原版生存,同时又想挑战一个更加困难的生存玩法。一款非常有意思的模组就做到了这一点,叫做No Tree Punching——无树可撸,在Minecraft创建了一个无法徒手劈树得更加困难的开局!
“I had been involved in a non-computer role-playing game called Dungeons and Dragons at the time, and also I had been actively exploring in caves - Mammoth Cave in Kentucky in particular. Suddenly, I got involved in a divorce, and that left me a bit pulled apart in various ways. In particular I was missing my kids. Also the caving had stopped, because that had become awkward, so I decided I would fool around and write a program that was a re-creation in fantasy of my caving, and also would be a game for the kids, and perhaps some aspects of the Dungeons and Dragons that I had been playing. My idea was that it would be a computer game that would not be intimidating to non-computer people, and that was one of the reasons why I made it so that the player directs the game with natural language input, instead of more standardized commands. My kids thought it was a lot of fun.”
玩过《我的世界》的玩家应该对下面这张图都不会陌生。它最早出现于2011年的Minecraft Beta 1.8,属于最正统的java版本,这个开始菜单一直沿用了近十年,直到2018年的1.13更新,才因为微软想要力推水下玩法被替换掉。