Two ears are long and pointed,with short tail curling up,two eyes like agate,one mouth is divided into three pieces.——谜底:兔子。
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
小伙伴们过年好!大年三十,双语君给大家准备了一份年味十足的大礼!九十九个喜气洋洋的春节英文词汇!过年要用的词汇都被我们承包啦!快快收藏!新 春 佳 节1. 传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival2. 农历:lunar calendar3.
本文导航:元宵节为什么要吃元宵?元宵节为什么又叫“相亲节”?元宵节什么时候过?白天还是晚上?元宵节有哪些活动?元宵节为什么要迎厕神?明天正月十五(January 15 on the lunar calendar)是元宵节(the Lantern Festival)。
专注古典诗词 | 鼓励原创文学农历24节气的英文翻译The 24 Solar Terms立春:Spring begins.雨水:The rains.惊蛰:Insects awaken.春分:Vernal Equinox.清明:Clear and bright.