Fear, like a stealthy manipulator, preys on our vulnerabilities, playing upon our doubts and insecurities. It spins a web of illusory barriers, whispering tales of separation and conflict. But we need not succumb to fear's deceitful tactics.
举例:I can deceive you regarding my education, but I am not defrauding you by doing so. If I falsely represent myself as a medical doctor, though, and sell you fake medicine based on that deceit, I am now defrauding you.
【可数,不可数】错误的想法或信念,尤指关于某人或某一情况。 something that seems to exist but in fact does not, or seems to be something that it is not。dichotomy一分成二,对分;
We are supposed to safeguard the dignity of Constitution.attribute A to B = owe A to B = ascribe A to B。家庭教师,单独辅导。
图片: 黄仔 | 撰稿: Fay | 责编: 阿月 原创文章,未经许可,请勿转载 商务合作敬请联系:shangwu@aksorvice.comHello大家好,今天是你们的Fay~想和大家讨论一个比较暗黑的话题:什么样的男性更爱在性行为中偷摘避孕套?自私的?不爱伴侣的?
例 Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an unfettered fox, hungry and threatened on its hill,than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.