Khole Kardashian's Recent Decision to Remove Her Butt Fillers: A Reflection on Beauty Standards and Self-ConfidenceThe story of Khloe Kardashian's recent decision to remove her butt fillers has been making headlines. On January 12th, Khloe, who is 38 years old, made the surprising decision to reverse the enhancements to her butt that she had previously undergone. This decision has sparked curios。
据美国八卦网站《媒体曝光网》消息,金·卡戴珊最近比较清闲,为了证明自己号称 “天下最美” 的屁股并非 “后天加工”,卡戴珊特意去一家医疗机构拍了臀部的X光扫描图,并由自己的妹妹克洛伊·卡戴珊将其发布在网上。
本周,金卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)从美国飞赴欧洲,现身柏林街头外出,只见,48岁的金姐穿着紧身连体衣,S曲线肉眼可见,前凸后翘的身材特别醒目,金姐披着长发,非常优雅,整个人的气质由内而外,让人垂涎。